Sundays: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Check-In opens 20 minutes prior to each service.
* Register ahead of time. This simply means we will personally greet you, help you find a seat, we can pre-register your kids for their class, and we will also have a free gift ready, just for you!
We believe that you are never too young to start a relationship with Jesus. Classes in “Little Life” include many elements to ensure they have a great time while learning that their “little life” is important to a BIG GOD.
Class includes play time to encourage new friendships, singalong worship time with tiny instruments for all who choose to use them, a short Bible-based teaching curated for their age, and even a snack! (Typically gluten free with water)
Our Kids Life class is “the place to BE” each week as they dive in to grow in Christ and their relationship with Him. Every class is designed with elements of engaging worship and lesson time, as well as growth and discipleship opportunities curated to their age range. This includes encouragement of memorizing scripture each month, as well as at-home opportunities with our parent-guided devotionals encouraging further understanding of the week’s lesson.
We take lots of steps before kids arrive to keep them safe. Every toy and environment gets cleaned and sanitized. And every volunteer is screened with an interview and background check. Our whole team, from our ministry volunteers to our exterior security volunteers are all keeping a close eye on your children during service so you’ll never have to worry.
We’ve made the check-in process a little bit easier. Fill out the Plan Your Visit Form ahead of time. This allows you to “pre-check” your kids into the system so that your drop off process will go smoothly.
Once you arrive on Sunday, just visit our Info Desk in the main lobby to let them know you’ve filled out the form and someone will escort your family to the kids check-in area.
If you don’t want to fill out the form at this time, that's okay! Simply plan to be there a little early if it’s your first time to get your kids registered.
Registration is an important part of our security process and needs to be entered correctly so that there will be no confusion during pickup.
“Little Life” will provide snacks. If this is something you wish not for your child to participate in, please let us know. You can provide your own drink in a spill proof container.
Please also let us know at check-in if there are any allergies. This can be written in the NOTES section of your form.
“Kids Life” does not have snack time. However, the classroom does provide water cups if needed. They are also highly likely to receive candy. If this is something you do not prefer, please let us know.
The exterior check-in doors will be locked 15 min after service start time. This is to ensure the safety of our kids and volunteers. If you would like to bring kids after this time, simply visit our Info Desk in the main lobby for assistance.
Wait To
See You!