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TLC is the place to BE


Whoever Finds God, Finds Life!

We Strive To:

BE Loving

TLC is a "soft place to land" for those who may not have had a good experience with Christian culture. There is no one too sinful or too good, too wealthy or too poor, too broken, or too far from God that cannot be accepted here. Ever.

You are not your sin. God shows no favoritism. You're available for adoption into His family. You BElong.

BE Creative

Truly what "church. done different" is all about. The message of Christ will always be the same, but the methods will change. God gives us creative nature so that we can follow His creative leading in order to reach an ever-changing world. When we realize there is no box, we resist the temptation to

fall in love with "our way"

BE Generous

Generosity is a privilege. God gives richly to us, so it's our honor to give generously back to Him. We are generous with our time, talents, and treasures, always seeking ways we can give more than what is required.

BE Unified

We are a multi- generational & multi-cultural people, breaking down barriers in order to reconcile them to God and each other. God is honored in our unity. ONE people, united in ONE name, for ONE purpose.

BE Relational

It is said so often, "we aren't meant to do this life alone". Humans were created for relationship. That is at the heart of who we are. TLC is all about community. We want everything we do to start and end with the growth and deepening of relationships with one another.

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