Call 813-645-3344

Times & Location

The Life Church

270 Apollo Beach Blvd,

Apollo Beach, FL 33572

Sundays: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM


* Register ahead of time. This simply means we will personally greet you, help you find a seat, we can pre-register your kids for their class, and we will also have a free gift ready, just for you! 


  • What are the service times?

    SUNDAY - Bring the entire family!

    9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. - Full service located in Main Auditorium. 

    Our children’s ministry (ages six weeks to 5th grade) is available for both times. 

    *Note: Service programming is exactly the same format for each time. You’ll experience the same worship set and message no matter which time slot you attend.

    WEDNESDAY - Life Students only (youth, grades 6-12)

    Doors open at 6:30 p.m., service begins at 7 - Main Auditorium

  • What about my kids?

    We've designed LC Kids to be a safe and engaging service for children 6 weeks up to the 5th grade, providing them with the opportunity to worship and enrich their understanding of God. Upon arrival, your child will be registered and given a distinctive name tag with a unique number. Should your child require immediate attention, our teachers will contact you through text messaging. 

  • I have older kids, what will they do?

    6th through 12th grade students are a part of our regular worship services on Sunday mornings in the Main Auditorium. Special services for junior high and high school students are held in the Auditorium on Wednesday evenings.

  • Is there a dress code?

    Nope! We want you to feel comfortable, whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, business casual, or a suit and tie. As long as you are actually wearing clothes, you will fit right in!

  • Will I have to say anything or be singled out in any way?

    Rest assured, there's no pressure here! Your involvement is entirely in your hands. You’ll never be asked to stand alone or raise your hand. Feel free to blend in with the crowd. Whenever you're comfortable participating, we're here for you. We're prepared to assist you if you decide to take that step to get more info. We have a Connect Card available in every chair; you can fill it out at your leisure if you have any further questions, need prayer, are considering baptism, want to check out our Serve teams, or simply want to stay informed about church-wide events and activities. Drop the card into an offering box after service or hand it to our friendly volunteer at the info desk in our front lobby on your way. We will get back to you!




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