Regular order at Chick-fil-A:
Spicy Chicken Sandwich - PDQ Jacked Spicy Sandwich
#2 Deluxe, no lettuce, colby jack cheese, extra pickles with mustard. I’d rather have PDQ, though.
People who inspire me:
My Wife, my great friend Pastor Barry Whitehead, and some well-known pastors/Leaders Craig Groechel, Carey Nieuwhof, and Willie George.
Alicia: Always my husband who leads with such integrity and love. I’m also inspired by every person around me who loves Jesus and works to serve Him wholeheartedly, giving of their time and talents to be a part of Kingdom ministry.
The one thing that most people don’t know about me:
they don’t know when I’m being serious or when I’m joking… I need to work on that.
Alicia: I LOVE PODCASTS and DOCUMENTARIES! I’m a learner at my core. I love learning new things.
Weird quirks:
I really love to drive. But I really dislike other drivers.
Alicia: It’s only weird if you make it weird. I also like to drink milk when I eat popcorn. I’ve heard that’s weird.
My least favorite thing to do:
This bio/survey is at the moment.
Alicia: cleaning the bathroom
Hidden talent:
I play guitar and saxophone (although it’s been a decade or more since I played the saxophone)
Alicia: It may be “hidden” because I haven’t used it much since moving to FL, but I’m a “creative” - an artist/painter. I love watercolor, acrylics, wall murals, bible art journaling, and digital art on my iPad. I used to sell my art, and I also had a face painting business. I’d love to share some of my previous work with you sometime! I’m also really into interior design. I love a good modern minimalist industrial style.
What makes me laugh:
so many things… I like to laugh!
Alicia: Kasey, Alana, Audrey. It’s quite entertaining around my house.
Biggest fear:
Fear itself
Alicia: Spiders. yikes!
Favorite Movies:
Documentaries/True Stories
Favorite Scripture:
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Alicia: John 14:16-17 “I will ask the Father and He will give you another helper to be with you forever, even in Spirit of truth, who the world cannot receive because it does not see Him or know Him. But YOU know Him, because He dwells with you and will be in you.”
This verse makes me feel so special, like I have a best friend in the Holy Spirit that others unfortunately don’t have. It inspired the dove tattoo on my ankle, because it reminds me that He is with me and in me forever, and He goes wherever I go.
Favorite Sports:
Kasey:Go Sports! (Basketball if I have to pick one)
Alicia: that’s a nope from me.
Favorite Music/Band/Singers:
Kasey: I like a lot of music except country (although there are 1 or 2 that are OK). There is no way I could say a favorite. It depends on the mood. I like everything from Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam, Duran Duran, and U2 to Reliant K, Toby Mac, Original Newsboys & Audio Adrenaline, Five Iron Frenzy, O.C. Supertones, Insyderz, Travail, P.O.D., Jimmy Needham, Royal Tailor, and much, much more!
Alicia: Fave bands during my early years, and I will always be a fan of DC Talk, TFK, and Superchick! Nowadays, it’s mostly worship. I enjoy Vous Worship, Anthony Evans, & Elevation Rhythm, to name a few specifics, but I am definitely more drawn to the song than I am to the artist, so I have a huge range. I will rarely download a full album by anyone. I also listen to a lot of chill Lofi beats when I’m cleaning the house or working at my desk.
Favorite Books:
Kasey: Bible, Lead Like It Matters, Radical, The Men We Need, Lasting Impact, Letters to the Church
Alicia: the Bible, duh. And most recently, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. Both are life-changers and have been read through more than once. I don’t sit to read much, so audiobooks are helpful. Also, Radical & Crazy Love are both on the list of top recommendations.
Favorite TV Shows:
The Chosen, LOST, Life Below Zero, Alone
Alicia: definitely THE CHOSEN!
Favorite Actor/Actress:
Kasey: eh
Alicia: none. I honestly don’t care that much.